Book of the YEar

Maud’s Circus by Michelle Rene

Bio & Memoir Winner

American Airman by Jonathon Benjamin (US Air Force, Ret.)

Bio & Memoir Runner-Up

Letters From Italy by Mario Dell’Olio

Bio & Memoir Finalists

Children’s Book Winner

Girls Can by Deb Preston & Illustrated by James Henry Dufresne

Children’s Runner-Up

Ice Cream with Grandpa by Laura Smetana & Illustrated by Elisabete B.P. de Moraes

Children’s Book Finalists

General Fiction & Nonfiction Winner

Agent X by Felicia Fiacco

General Fiction & nonfiction Runner-Up

Magellan the Magical by Krystal M. Harris & Illustrated by Lorinda Tomko

General Fiction & Nonfiction Finalists

Historical & Adventure winner

The Last Dollar Princess by Linda Bennett Pennell

Historical & adventure runner-up

A Winding Path to Flat Water by Rob Soles

Historical & Adventure Finalists

Horror Winner

Identicals by William Brennan Knight

Horror Runner-Up

Beneath the Surface by Trey Everett


inspirational & self-help winner

SAFE from the Pain by Poonam Bhuchar

inspirational & self-help runner-up

8 Steps to Overcoming Everyday Adversity by Christopher Greco

inspirational & self-help finalists

Literary-humor Winner

And Then There’s Margaret… A Novel by Carolyn Clarke

Literary-Humor Runner-up

Just River by Sara B. Fraser


Middle Grade - YA Winner

Eirwen by Jesikah Sundin

Middle grade - YA Runner-Up

A Light in the Sky by Shina Reynolds

Middle Grade & Young Adult FINALISTS

Mystery & Crime Winner

God’s Ponzi by Robert Buschel

Mystery & Crime Runner-Up

Bloody Paws by Bruce Lewis


Romance & Women’s Winner

What’s Not True by Valerie Taylor

Romance & Women’s Runner-Up

Rewrite the Stars by Christina Consolino

Romance & Women’s Fiction FINALISTS

Scifi - Fantasy Winner

The Light Reapers: End of the World by Gary Hickman

scifi - fantasy Runner-up

Pastel Pink by Nikki Minty

Scifi & Fantasy FINALISTS

Thriller Winner

Politikill by Timothy Gene Sojka

Thriller Runner-Up

In Danger of Judgment by David Rabin