Winner: The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple
Children’s – YA
Winner: My Dog Named Hope written by Joe Dean, illustrated by Lauren Curwick
Runner-Up: How Flynn the Loh’li Conquered His Fears written by A.R. Morris, illustrated by Rachel Sharp
Winner: The Tracker by John Hunt
Runner-Up: The Muse by Arjay Lewis
Literary - Romance
Winner: Veil of Walls by Patricia Panahi
Runner-Up: In Grace’s Time by Kathie Giorgio
Mystery - Detective
Winner: K-Town Confidential by Brad Chisholm & Claire H. Kim
Runner-Up: Blind Eye by Meg Lelvis
Winner: My Sister, My Daughter, and Me by Shirley Rose Webb
Runner-Up: Postgraduate Studies in Motherhood by Helen Trepelkov
SciFi - Fantasy
Winner: Gaelan’s War by Thaddeus McGrath
Runner-Up: The One Apart by Justine Avery
Suspense - Thriller
Winner: Kind Nepenthe by Matthew Brockmeyer
Runner-Up: Runway Dreams: A Black & White Affair by T.K. Ambers
Young Adult
Winner: What the Valley Knows by Heather Christie
Runner-Up: Charley’s Horse by Judith Shaw